“Yesterday’s gum in today’s mouth.” Has there ever been a more damning assessment of a piece of writing? Ouch! Thx for saving me the trouble! I’m tantalized by your reference to Verghese’s latest, though. I didn’t balk for one minute while reading Cutting for Stone. Am I in for a wordy letdown?

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Same! And the same fear about the Verghese, despite loving Cutting for Stone.

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I hear you, Kalpana. Length isn’t the only problem when writers are allowed to be self-indulgent. I’m trying to read a novel by an author whose previous two books I tore through and admired. This one is long, slow, and riddled with sloppy grammar (not the kind that reveals character) and uninspired sentences.

I haven’t read Elsa Morante, but your review has made me curious. I may pick up the Italian version and see how it goes.

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