That detail about your bra spontaneously unhooking with your breathless anger! In the Toyota Service center! I didn’t know that could happen! Women’s anger manifests in unique ways.

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Now that's what I love about this book. It can do many things to a woman. To think that this went untranslated during the 1960s when bra burning was a thing. Darn, I should have made a point of this in my post.

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What a breathtaking description of the plot and how it unfolds. You write so well, Kalpana, that I felt that I was watching you pacing that dealer lobby in anger and frustration after closing that book. I always wonder how any good fiction writer achieves telling the greatest of stories ending with both a surprise with an inevitability to them. I agree when you say, I suppose just how this can be accomplished, while keeping the reader baited all along, will always remain the holy grail of every fiction writer. Thanks for sharing this gem and your reaction to reading it!

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As always your writing has stirred my curiosity & driven me to read this book. But I also realized that whatever you have said is almost word to word depicted in…..( of all places!!) a Tamil TV hit series called Ethirneechal set in Madhuri, Tamil Nadu. My whole family is hooked on to this show & the brilliant script and acting will unhook your bra many times over!!

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The same serial name occurred to me while reading the post. People still dare to take such stories and as said many families are hooked to this serial. People who watch this ofcourse relate themselves with the characters to vent out their past.

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